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Crafting Your Board Journey - Anouk Pappers for Director Development Initiative

Anouk Pappers regularly presents for the Director Development Initiative (DDI) to guide aspiring board directors in crafting their board journey, by leveraging their online presence. In this session, Anouk shared her expertise in defining personal brands, aligning online presence with board aspirations, and positioning oneself for boardroom success. Her insights are aligned with DDI's mission to increase diversity in corporate boardrooms and empower leaders with a broader array of perspectives. Leilani Latimer, sitting board member, shares her journey to the boardroom, also from the perspective of her personal brand and how she uses her online presence to achieve her goals. Anouk Pappers is a brand anthropologist who has been storytelling for brands since 2002. She has interviewed over 900 CEOs, CMOs and business owners and published 15 books with the best stories she encountered across the globe. Anouk’s current focus is on working with women and diverse leaders to define their personal brand and create a compelling narrative. Together with her team, she enables people to align their online presence with their personal brand, as well as with their organization’s values and mission. This positions them to achieve their next professional goal while at the same time enhancing their company’s image.
