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Egg Flies That Catch Fish! Brian's Favorite Patterns - Fly Tying Tutorial 9 месяцев назад

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Egg Flies That Catch Fish! Brian's Favorite Patterns - Fly Tying Tutorial

In this tutorial, Brian shares his two favorite egg patterns: the Rag Egg and the Nuke Egg. Both of these are great for Steelhead, Salmon, and Trout. Tie some up and get fishing! 🎥 See more fly tying tutorials:    • Fly Tying   👉 Subscribe to our channel:    / @thenorthernanglerflyshop   ———————————————————————————————————— CONNECT WITH US! 📸 Follow us on Instagram:   / thenorthernangler   📖 Follow us on Facebook:   / thenorthernangler   ✉️ Sign up for our email list: DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A PODCAST? 🎤 Listen on Apple: 🎙️ Listen on Spotify: SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL The Northern Angler is here to help you get confident on the water and at the vise! Located in Traverse City, Michigan, we have a passion for teaching & want to be part of your next adventure. 🛒 Shop The Northern Angler Website: 📞 Give us a call: (231) 933-4730 ✉️ Drop us a line: [email protected] ☕️ Buy Matt a coffee: ———————————————————————————————————— ⏱️TIMESTAMPS⏱️ 0:00 INTRO 0:54 MATERIAL PREP 1:16 RAG EGG 3:48 NUKE EGG 5:41 OUTRO #flytying #flyfishing
