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Black Ox ブラックオックス Destroys Tokyo Tower 14 лет назад

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Black Ox ブラックオックス Destroys Tokyo Tower

Watch how the mighty Black Ox appears in Tokyo to destroy its emblem, Tokyo Tower. During the final days of World War II, the Japanese military is secretly developing a superweapon that will turn the tides of war and save the Japanese Empire. After twenty-seven failed attempts, the project gives fruit: a three-stories high, remote-controlled robot. The metal man is christened Tetsujin 28-go. The war, however, is over. Rather than becoming the military's "ace in the hole", Tetsujin becomes a civilian robot. Under the control of Shotaro Kaneda, the twelve-year-old son of Tetsujin's developer, the iron giant is put to work stopping criminals and enemy robots. DISCLAIMER: This channel does not own this video footage, it belongs to their respective owners under the Fair Use policy and terms.
