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Скачать с ютуб Kendama USA - Trick Tutorial - Intermediate - Fast Hand Spike в хорошем качестве

Kendama USA - Trick Tutorial - Intermediate - Fast Hand Spike 9 лет назад

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Kendama USA - Trick Tutorial - Intermediate - Fast Hand Spike

In this Tutorial Keith Matsumura shows you the Fast Hand Spike. "Once you have the entire kendama connected at the top of the momentum, you need to let go and catch it back in ken grip." Performed by Keith Matsumura Directed by Jake Wiens Music by Write Speak Type Kendama - Red Kendama USA Classic For more information head over to #kendama #kendamausa #kendamatricks Stay up to date with Kendama USA! Instagram   / kendamausa   Twitter   / kendamausa   Facebook   / kendamausa   Website Shop Kendama USA Playlist 🎶 Spotify Apple Music Other ways to connect with Kendama USA - DownSpike
