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HYTE Y60 - Technical Overview 2 года назад

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HYTE Y60 - Technical Overview

The new HYTE Y60 Premium ATX Mid Tower Chassis is now available! Forget everything you thought you understood about PC design; it's time for the GPU to grab the spotlight. The Y60 is a groundbreaking open ATX Mid Tower chassis that showcases your favorite components while concealing the rest. Experience Creation with the new HYTE Y60! --- At HYTE, we push the envelope when it comes to your PC experience. Our goal is to make our products effortlessly interactive. That's why we're committed to creating products that have artistic form and expert function, always keeping an eye out for first-time builders and enthusiasts alike. Play shouldn't only happen once you press the power button. After all, the journey is half the fun. We hope you join us on our next adventure! #HYTEBrand #HYTExP #ExperiencePlay SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: #GAMINGPC #PCDiY #PCBUILDER #LIQUIDCOOLING #HYTE --- ►DISCORD! - ►TWITTER! -   / hytebrand   ►INSTAGRAM! -   / hytebrand   ►FACEBOOK! -   / hytebrand   ►TIKTOK! -   / hytebrand   ►REDDIT! -  / hyte  
