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Скачать с ютуб ZOMBIESUCKERS - Ed Gein (Acoustic) в хорошем качестве

ZOMBIESUCKERS - Ed Gein (Acoustic) 8 лет назад

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ZOMBIESUCKERS - Ed Gein (Acoustic)

Ed Gein (Acoustic) taken from the Stitched Together album.   / zombiesuckers Lyrics: I often wonder why it never could be us Is it cause I slit your wrist and left you there to rot We had our differences and you wanted to part But I kept some souveniers to keep you in my heart And as the night takes over she whispers in the dark With all the lampshades and necklaces you're never very far And as the night takes over she comes into my dreams I just wished I had the choice to love and let you live I often wonder why it never could be us Is it cause I slit your throat and left you in the mud We had our differences and you wanted to part But I kept some souveniers to keep you in my heart And as the night takes over she whispers in the dark With all the lampshades and necklaces you're never very far And as the night takes over she comes into my dreams I just wished I had the choice to love and let you live (Officer: Would you ever wear any of the faces over your own face) (Ed Gein: ...Yeah) (Officer: Do you think you would wear the masks for a prolonged time) (Ed Gein: Not too long, I had other things to do. Maybe about an hour or so) (Ed Gein: ...What's done is done, don't dig up the past) And as the night takes over she whispers in the dark With all the lampshades and necklaces you're never very far And as the night takes over she comes into my dreams I just wished I had the choice to love and let you live
