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Скачать с ютуб "We Train 8 Hours A Day." 12 Yr Old Soccer Prodigy Chase Carrera Is The HARDEST WORKER In The Nation в хорошем качестве

"We Train 8 Hours A Day." 12 Yr Old Soccer Prodigy Chase Carrera Is The HARDEST WORKER In The Nation 4 года назад

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"We Train 8 Hours A Day." 12 Yr Old Soccer Prodigy Chase Carrera Is The HARDEST WORKER In The Nation

GET OVERTIME APPAREL ►► NEW Mikey Williams Ep ►► NEW Hello Newmans! ►► I've NEVER seen someone put in work like Chase Carrera!! Chase is a 12 year old soccer star with dreams of playing for Manchester United AND the US Men's National Team in the World Cup. He MEANS IT too, and wakes up at 5:30 AM every morning so he can train. You ever see a 12 year old that works this hard?? You ever see a 12 year old that gets up at 5:30 by his own choice??? I didn't think so! We linked up with Chase to see how he works out, what motivates him, and more. He opened up about why he does what he does, what Kobe means to him and how he handles his haters. Chase is an amazing soccer player, but he's also got a good head on his shoulders. And as you can see in the video, his work ethic is NEXT LEVEL. This kid just gets it. If you wanna get motivated yourself, watch this vid, and then get to work on achieving your own goals! Stay safe out there!! --------------------------------- Follow Us On Social! --------------------------------- Instagram:   / overtime   Twitter:   / overtime   Facebook:   / getovertime   Tik Tok:   / overtime  
