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Скачать с ютуб Pinter 3: Start the Brew!...Brewgooder Hazy IPA Remixed (5% ABV) в хорошем качестве

Pinter 3: Start the Brew!...Brewgooder Hazy IPA Remixed (5% ABV) 2 месяца назад

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Pinter 3: Start the Brew!...Brewgooder Hazy IPA Remixed (5% ABV)

Pinter 3: Start the Brew!...Brewgooder Hazy IPA Remixed (5% ABV) In this video, I start the brewing process on the Pinter 3. Never used it before, I'm a complete novice. Will the beer brew, clear and be carbonated?..or will it be a complete disaster!..we'll find out! Here's a link to the Pinter website:
