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Скачать с ютуб $557,000 Penthouse Tour in Istanbul Marina. в хорошем качестве

$557,000 Penthouse Tour in Istanbul Marina. 3 года назад

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$557,000 Penthouse Tour in Istanbul Marina.

Check out our next property tour in Istanbul, near Marina in Beylikdudzu area. The most important feature of this project is that the houses designed with a horizontal architectural approach for those are bored of the shadows of high buildings is the respect of the personal space. The mansions within the large gardens are located at 25 to 60 meters far away from each other. The low-rise mansions including 2 flats on each floor with spacious balconies and windows extended to the ground bring nature and a magnificent view of the Marmara Sea inside the house. After you choose the most suitable flat for you within the options ranging from 1+1 to 4+1, the only thing that you do is to enjoy this privileged life. The apartment in the video is a 2+1 Penthouse with a huge terrace (enough to hold a party or private event with up to 20 people, I guess! Anyway, enjoy the property tour and leave your comment below aaaaaaaaannd.... Don't forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to our channel to see more property tours like this. :-)
