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Kracie Happy Kitchen Cake DIY Candy Kit

*This kit requires microwave* ► W r i t t e n R e v i e w ◄ ○ Difficulty : 3/10 ~ The most difficult part of this entire kit was decorating the cake xD It's not necessarily "difficult", but more rather tedious. Well, in my case since I'm a perfectionist and I wanted my cake to look cute xD lol Everything else was a piece of cake, no pun intended....(lame joke, but whatever). ○ Taste : 6/10 ~ The taste of this kit was alright :3 There's some flavor to it, but I did wish that this cake batter tasted like the Kracie Doughnut set (now THAT kit is delicious). The cake didn't have much flavor to it. It was a little bland, with a SLIGHT hint of a buttery taste. The vanilla frosting was okay. It tasted a little like vanilla and a little but of coconut? xD lol I don't know if that's how it's supposed to taste, but I could taste a little of coconut for some reason. The strawberry icing was great. Tasted like strawberries xD If you're familiar with the koala march cream filled biscuits, or hello panda biscuits, it's very similar to the strawberry filling :3 The strawberry jello was, meh. lol. Not much flavor. Imagine a SEVERELY watered down Strawberry Fanta Beverage. Sprinkles, taste like sprinkes :3 lol ○ Texture : 6/10 ~ The texture of this cake was not so fluffy. I'm not sure if I overcooked it in my microwave xD But it wasn't very soft. The white frosting for the cake was smooth, but not as thick as regular store bought frosting. The strawberry icing was a tad bit grainy, and the strawberry jello was very similar to the Kracie Sushi kit texture. It broke apart very easily. Sprinkles are sprinkles (crunchy) xD ○ Would I make this kit again? : Possibly xD ~ The taste was alright, and decorating took FOREVER for me. It's probably going to be a one-time thing for this kit. I did enjoy making it, but it didn't leave a lasting impression on me xD I encourage you all to try this at least once! This IS my opinion after all, so my view may be very different from yours :) You never know, you may really like it~! Thanks so much for watching! ♥ V L O G C H A N N E L:    / miavlogs43   R A N D O M C H A N N E L:    / fritosacks   F A C E BO O K:   / miaskawaiicharmz831   E T S Y: T W I T T E R:!/KaWaiiCharMZ831 I N S T A G R A M: D E V I A N T A R T: **Want free stuff? Sign up on Listia and Fan me for updates!!:
