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Surprising Malcolm X: Berkeley 1963 Interview (UNCENSORED!!!) 2 недели назад

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Surprising Malcolm X: Berkeley 1963 Interview (UNCENSORED!!!)

This is an interview of Malcolm X in 1963 in Berkeley. In this interview, Malcolm X spoke the raw truths about America’s racial inequalities in a clear and well-spoken manner. The profound courage it took to speak so unapologetically in 1963 is worth acknowledging. Malcolm wasn’t just a voice of his time, but a visionary and exemplary leader who was dissecting a system of oppression that persists till today. When Malcolm exposes the hypocrisy of America’s democratic system, it became clear to every eye. How can a nation declare itself the land of the free while intentionally denying freedom to an entire race? That's Pathetical Hypocrisy at its Peak! This isn’t just about laws or policies, it’s an ideology that has eaten deep into their minds and falsely redefined Blacks as violent and less than human. From the beginning of the country, the white power structure was built on the backs of Black people, which made them vulnerable to exploitation and we're enshrined in every institution. Black Culture Unlocked is a movement focused on bringing the raw truth and real history to the culture. Our mission is to write our own stories and unlock the minds of the culture to become free thinkers. Subscribe and turn on post notifications to join the movement! --------------------------------------------- 💰 Business Inquiries ➡️ [email protected]
