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Скачать с ютуб How a FASHION DESIGNER window shops | Spend the day with me in LONDON в хорошем качестве

How a FASHION DESIGNER window shops | Spend the day with me in LONDON 2 дня назад

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How a FASHION DESIGNER window shops | Spend the day with me in LONDON

Hello Everyone, I hope you are all lovely today. Here is an old vlog from this summer. Window shopping with @weiwei. I hope you enjoy! Lots of Love Zoe :)) ---------- Socials: Instagram: @firesanmimi @byfiresanmi Tiktok: @firesanmi ---------- #internvlog #intern #fashionintern #fashion #ootd #london #dayinthelife #weekinthelife #fashiondesign #fashiondesignstudent #fashionindustry Fashion Intern, Fashion Internship, Fashion Vlog, Day in the Life Fashion, Fashion Design Career, Internship Tips, Behind the Scenes Fashion, Fashion Week Prep, Fashion Career Advice, behind the scenes, bts, Insights into the fashion industry, London Vlog.
