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Скачать с ютуб 瘋狂印鈔如何毀掉一個國家?辛巴威惡性通貨膨脹全解析【米樂愛解說03】 в хорошем качестве

瘋狂印鈔如何毀掉一個國家?辛巴威惡性通貨膨脹全解析【米樂愛解說03】 4 года назад

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數據來源 World Bank Google Public Data Fred 引用文獻 Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute(2012) “Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe” 2011 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas “Natural Resources and the Environment” Institute For Security Studies, (最後查閱日:2020/06/28) Paul Zimnisky (2014), “Marange May Not Be The Worlds Largest Diamond Producer For Much Longer” kitco, (最後查閱日:2020/06/28) Nelson Banya (2018), “Agriculture in Zimbabwe” Zimfact, (最後查閱日:2020/06/28) Kenneth Ingham (2020), “Zimbabwe” Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (最後查閱日:2020/06/28) Alois S. Mlambo (2014), A History of Zimbabwe, Cambridge University Press Tim Jones (2011), “Uncovering Zimbabwe’s debt: The case for a democratic solution to the unjust debt burden ”, Jubilee Debt Campaign Africa Regional Office (1995), “Project Completion Report on Zimbabwe-Structural Adjustment Program” (Loan 3434-ZIM and Credit 2331-ZIM), The World Bank Kingston, Kato Gogo (2011), The Impacts of the World Bank and IMF Structural Adjustment Programmes on Africa: The Case Study of Cote D'Ivoire, Senegal, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, Sacha Journal of Policy and Strategic Studies Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize, Camille Bourguignon, Rogerius Johannes Eugenius van den Brink (2009), Agricultural Land Redistribution: Toward Greater Consensus, World Bank Publications Christina Lamb (2008), “Planeloads of cash prop up Mugabe”, The Sunday Times HANY BESADA NICKY MOYO (2008), “Zimbabwe in Crisis: Mugabe's Policies and Failures”, The Centre for International Governance Innovation ZimLive (2020), “German firm prints, delivers 60 tonnes of Zimbabwe’s new bank notes”(最後查閱日:2020/06/28) Jayson Coomer and Thomas Gstraunthaler (2011), “The HyperinflaTion in Zimbabwe”, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 文稿by米樂 平面設計by米樂 動畫by米樂 剪輯by米樂 部分視頻片段來自於videvo 部分icon參照Flaticon 背景音樂來自epidemicsound
