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The Baltic Brothers hold the line!

Together with ‪@antasil5768‬ and ‪@hatless_spider‬ , We will stand against the Soviets and Germans! Baltic brother UNITE! If you enjoy disaster saves games and want to submit your own, do so here: Want to buy some DLC or games and support the channel? ❤❤ ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? The lovely countryballs are courtesy of our community member Zatwinki (Zatwinki#2839) over on our Discord! Check out their work here: I upload new video's frequently, so subscribe for more regular content! Twitter: @Bitt3rSteel Outro Music: Wild Pogo I do not own any of the games, all rights are reserved by their respective companies. Paradox games: Copyright © 2016-2023 Paradox Interactive AB.
