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Classic Era Vanilla WoW Community - w/ Commentary

The Classic community is strong and EVERYONE IS FULL BiS! Blizzard has merged multiple classic era, vanilla WoW servers together. *LINK TO DISCORD BELOW*. List of which servers were merger together below. Also clarification on the /who it says only 50 players found that is because it caps at the first 50 names. There are many other players online. This video is of the Whitemane cluster, see below for the full list of servers that are included on thus server cluster. What is with my weird setup? I play WoW Classic on an old MacBook Pro Laptop with an old $8 mouse from Office Depot and no addons for the true Classic World of Warcraft experience. No fancy glowing fan box for me. Additional information about Classic Era Below. Classic Era Discord link:   / discord   There are lots of other Classic Era Discords, PvP discords, guild discords etc. The link above is a prominent one with lots of general Classic Era info. I would suggest also joining the main discords of the big guilds on your server as well. Cloning characters from TBC Classic back to Classic era is now only $5.00 but is ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL JULY 26th. After that the cloning service will no longer be available according to Blizzard. **CORRECTION** If a player never made to a choice between Classic Era and Classic TBC by July 26th 2020 then that character will automatically be part of the TBC classic servers and the Classic Era version will be deleted. This was confirmed by blizzards own post. Link for additional info: Are the battlegrounds Qs popping? Yes, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening battlegrounds are popping and a lot of fun! More recently Qs have been popping during the week as well in the evening. Average Q time between 1-10 minutes. We do get Arathi Basin and Alteric Valley Qs to pop as well. Are players ranking? Yes Are players raiding? Yes, to my knowledge every week ZG, Molten Core, Onyxia, Blackwing Lair, AQ20, AQ40 and Naxxramas are being run. Are players leveling and questing? Yes and recently more lower levels have been putting together dungeon groups. I would suggest joining a large guild and doing "/g" guild chat and "/join lookingforgroup" to find other players to organize dungeon groups. I play as horde, is it still fun? Yes, the horde also have a good community that is similar in gear, skill etc. They also raid and are very competitive in battlegrounds. Is it too late to get back into classic, I don't have full BiS? No, this is a great time to gear up. *********Below I will list the WoW servers that Blizzard has merged together. SERVER TRANSFERS ARE FREE. This footage is all from the Whitmane cluster. ******* ________________________________________________________________________ 1. ***Whitemane, Fairbanks, Rattlegore, Bigglesworth, Anathema, Blaumeux, Smolderweb, Thunderfury and KurinnaxxArugal, Felstriker and Yojamba 2. Ashkandi, ***Mankrik, ***Pagle, Westfall and Winderseeker 3. Atiesh, Azuresong, Myzrael, and Old Blanchy 4. Benediction, Faerlina, Heartseeker, Incendius, Netherwind 5. Earthfury, Herod, Kirtonos, Kromcrush, Skeram, Stalagg, Sulfuras and Thalnos. ________________________________________________________________________ **EU server mergers** Go to Firemaw, if you are not already on one of the servers that have merged with it. **SERVER TRANSFERS ARE FREE** 1. ***FIREMAW*** Ashbringer, Bloodfang, Dragonfang, Earthshaker, Gandling, Golemagg, Mograine, Noggenfogger, Skullflame, 2. Mirage Raceway, Nethergarde Keep, and Pyrewood Village 3. Dreadmist, Flamelash, Judgement, Razorgore, Shazzrah, Stonespine, Ten Storms, and Gehennas #wow #worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #classicera #pvp #pvpserver #druid #whitemane #morphious #1v1 #asmongold #tbc #wotlk World of Warcraft Classic Vanilla, TBC ( The Burning Crusade ), WOTLK ( Wrath of The Loch King ), Asmongold and AzMOus come check out classic era, you may be surprised what you find! Asmongold AzMOus gaming
