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Couple arrested in Adelaide; Coalition releases nuclear costings | 9 News Australia 8 часов назад

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Couple arrested in Adelaide; Coalition releases nuclear costings | 9 News Australia

An Adelaide couple has been arrested, accused of faking their child's cancer diagnosis to raise money for themselves. In other news, there's been swift criticism for the Coalition's nuclear power plan which it claims is $263 billion cheaper than the federal government's renewables rollout. Subscribe and 🔔: | Get more breaking news at ► Chapters in this video: 0:00 Parents accused of cruel hoax 1:37 Coalition's nuclear power plan 3:45 Whalan police pursuit 4:08 Thai-Australian teen killed 4:19 American released from Syrian prison 6:00 Drug bust 6:16 Santa antics backfire 6:45 Time's person of the year FOLLOW 9News Australia ► Facebook:   / 9news   ► Twitter:   / 9newsaus   ► Instagram:   / 9news   Join 9News for the latest in news and events that affect you in your local city, as well as news from across Australia and the world. #9News #BreakingNews #NineNewsAustralia #9NewsAUS
