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WEAPON SET Skill Points Explained in Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 is the newest ARPG from Grinding Gear Games, but one of the hardest things to understand right now is Weapon Sets Passives and how you apply them to your character as well as how you assign weapon sets to specific skills. In this beginners video on WEAPON SET Skill Points Explained in Path of Exile 2 0:00 Intro & TL;DW 2:27 Weapon Set Passives 7:20 Assigning Weapons Sets & Skills Follow me on Twitch! ►   / italianspartacus   Ascendancy Classes Info ► Supporter Packs & Early Access ► Mechanics ► Become Part of the Community ►   / discord   Help Keep the Channel Alive! Become a Channel Member: ►   / @italianspartacus   Nexus Store: ► Content Suggestions: ► Social Media - Twitter: ►   / italianspart   System Specs: Motherboard: MSI MPG z690 Processor: Intel i9-12900FK Graphics Card: MSI Gaming Slim RTX 4090 Memory: Corsair Dominator LED 32GB DDR4-3600 Memory #pathofexile2 #poe2 #guide
