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joye - power 1 месяц назад

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joye - power

stream power : follow Joye :   / joye_jgdt   directed & edited by Antoine Wibaux   / antoinewibaux   DP & grading : David Jeune   / daviduhhh   designer : Caroline Dussuel hairstylist (paris) : Vasso Stathopoulou mua (paris) : Chloé Hubert hmua (oléron) : Isis Kartaf com : Clara Settbon artwork : Lucie Perret written by Joye composed by Joye produced by Léo Bouloumié mixed by Yoann Lê mastered by Lorenzo Bassaletti - Globe Audio Mastering Special thanks to my father, my friends (oldest and newest) and family, and everyone involved in this project, near and far To my angel __lyrics No one satisfies me I feel so empty Only my bones remain here But my soul has deserted Anxiety freezes me oh why can’t they read me Ain't got nothing happy to say I’m this weirdo trying to live I can’t hear what you say She bloody disappeared, she didn’t say No one can (help) I feel so powerless Feel so powerless It hurts me like anything else I’ve never been so strong It hurts me when I lose this bond Suddenly angel is here and she’s surrounding me Suddenly i’m not worried Angel’s always been around me Good souls are surrounding I know that she sent them all for me I feel so powerless Feel so powerless It hurts me like anything else I’ve never been so strong It hurts me when I lose this bond She’s still alive mate She’s living her best new life in an other dimension But she’s always around She watches me She protects me She makes me achieve things, so many things She helps me move on cause she wants me to Nothing can harm me You hear me ? No one can harm me Cause she’s around all the fucking time And she’s so powerful So powerful I can feel it Well this is my belief And this is why I’m proudly standing I’ve become more alive and more powerful than ever __
