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DJ Transitions - Different Types of DJ Transitions

BLACK FRIDAY SALE IS NOW LIVE!! Get the Club Ready DJ Course complete package and a whole bunch of exclusive bonuses for only $175. I assure you if you trust me to be your tutor I will get you club ready and better yet you’ll feel super confident behind the decks and your transitions and sets will be fire!! In this video I will demonstrate the main ways DJs transition between songs. Let’s start with one of the most popular and common used transitions of all time: 1: the fade - huge for wedding DJs 2: hitting play where you wish to introduce your new song (really popular when mixing trap, breakdowns without beats, shorter intro’s to mix in) 3: giving yourself time to mix in before doing your transition (really popular for house, longer intros, more time to mix) 4: trigger / fast mixing - to avoid vocals (quick transitions - keep energy moving, avoid vocals on vocals) 5: looping in, giving yourself even more time to mix in your new song (great for songs with shorter intros) This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to getting club ready. Want more? Check out the free videos on my site: Or if you like my style and know you would get more for a more organised approach that will get instant results (from zero to hero every time)
