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Bahrain | Diving the Pearling Trail

For more than 2000 years Bahrain’s pearls have been prized as some of the best natural pearls in the world. Pearl Diving forms a key part of the Island Kingdom’s cultural identity, and a means for visitors to delve into Bahrain’s heritage, both off-shore and along the ‘Pearling Trail’. The Bahrain pearling trail is a 3.5 km trail located in the island of Muharraq, in Bahrain. It was used by pearl divers during much of Bahrain's history until the early 1930s, when the pearl market in Bahrain crashed as a result of the introduction of cultured pearls from Japan. Pearling in Bahrain has occurred since 2000 BC. The Bahrain Pearling Trail (also called the Bahrain Pearling Pathway) is a serial cultural heritage site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List on 2012 and consists of three oyster beds in the northern waters of Bahrain #bahrain #pearlingtrail #bahrainpearlingtrail #bahrainpearl #pearl
