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‘Ord... Order!’: Bercow loses voice, responds to PM's kangaroo testicle jibe

‘Or… ahem… Order!’ House of Commons speaker John Bercow could barely get the words out on Thursday after losing his voice. ‘I am very grateful to the large number of people who have come up to the chair expressing concern about my throat’, he croaked. ‘But I want to confirm to the House that the state of my throat, which is purely temporary, is not down to the consumption of a kangaroo’s testicle’. Bercow was responding to a gibe Boris Johnson made in his speech to the Tory party conference that 'If parliament were a reality TV show the whole lot of us would have been voted out of the jungle by now. At least we would have the consolation of watching the Speaker being forced to eat a kangaroo testicle.' Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► Support the Guardian ► Today in Focus podcast ► The Guardian YouTube network: The Guardian ►    / theguardian   Owen Jones talks ► Guardian Football ► Guardian Sport ► Guardian Culture ►
