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Myanmar’s NUG says anti-coup forces ‘edging closer’ to defeating generals

Pro-democracy activists in Thailand are protesting against the military government in Myanmar. The demonstration outside the UN office in Bangkok is calling for a return to civilian rule, three years after the military took power in Myanmar. The leaders there extended a state of emergency on Wednesday. The military is facing tough resistence from rebel fighter who intensified attacks on army bases and posts in October. Al Jazeera’s Tony Cheng reports from the Thai-Myanmar border. Phil Robertson is the Deputy Director for Asia with Human Rights Watch to talk more about this. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter   / ajenglish   Find us on Facebook   / aljazeera   Check our website: Check out our Instagram page:   / aljazeeraenglish   Download AJE Mobile App: #Myanmar #NationalUnityGovernmentOfMyanmar #NUG #MyanmarCoup #MilitaryResistance #EthnicAlliance #ShanStateOffensive #WaveOfResistance #MyanmarProtests #AntiCoupMovement #StifferResistance
