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🚶‍♂️ Return to the Japan Frog Grotto - Bufo japonicus - Softypapa Adventures - Walking in Japan 13 лет назад

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🚶‍♂️ Return to the Japan Frog Grotto - Bufo japonicus - Softypapa Adventures - Walking in Japan

A scene of horror. That’s what this place was. A week prior I’d been here and witnessed a dozen giant mountain toads swarming over a solitary female who turned up dead—drowned beneath the churning bodies of her many eager suiters, her body lifeless now amidst many meters-long ropes of gelatinous eggs, all doomed like their mother as the small pond’s water evaporated quickly away in the mounting season’s heat. Nothing positive or reassuring came to me of this particular visit. Just nature, “red in tooth and claw” and relentless in its seeming mindless striving to life. #RealJapanMonsters #softypapa Venturing back a week after my first visit to the amazing Japan Giant Frog Grotto. Click here to see the original "Japan Giant Frog Grotto" video:    • 🚶‍♂️ Japan Giant Toad Grotto - Bufo j...   (KB) 🚶‍♂️Dive back into the enchanting world of "Return to the Japan Frog Grotto - Bufo japonicus - Softypapa Adventures - Walking in Japan," where the mysterious and captivating realm of the Japanese frog awaits. This episode revisits the serene grotto, a hidden sanctuary teeming with the vibrant life of Bufo japonicus, the Japanese common toad. Join Kurt Bell as he explores the depths of this secluded haven, nestled within Japan's verdant landscapes. Discover the unique behaviors, sounds, and ecological significance of these fascinating amphibians, whose presence adds to the rich tapestry of life that thrives in these secluded natural pools. Kurt Bell, an explorer with a deep reverence for the natural world, guides you through this tranquil retreat, sharing insights into the conservation efforts and the importance of preserving such habitats. Born in the USA in 1964, his literary works, including "Going Alone" and "No More Looking Out For Number One," often reflect on the interconnectedness of all living things and the beauty of nature's delicate balance. "Return to the Japan Frog Grotto" is not just an exploration of a hidden ecosystem; it's a journey into the heart of nature's quiet wonders, where the chorus of frogs provides a soundtrack to the mysteries and marvels of the wild. 🐸🌿🚶‍♂️ ➡️ Immerse yourself further in Kurt's adventures and philosophical journeys. Add his thought-provoking narratives to your collection here (hardcover edition recommended): 🌐 Website: 📧 Email: [email protected] 👍 Support my endeavors on Patreon:   / softypapa   Be safe... But not too safe #KurtBell #GoingAlone #FrogGrotto #NatureConservation #WildlifeExploration 🌊🍃🚶‍♂️ CREDITS: "Japanese Falls" image: Lane Brown | View More: "Song For Kurt" theme: Nowherians | Listen Here:
