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Скачать с ютуб [4K] 🇹🇭 Patong Nightlife Walking Streets Bangla Road in 2024 Rainy Season Vibes Phuket, Thailand в хорошем качестве

[4K] 🇹🇭 Patong Nightlife Walking Streets Bangla Road in 2024 Rainy Season Vibes Phuket, Thailand 6 месяцев назад

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[4K] 🇹🇭 Patong Nightlife Walking Streets Bangla Road in 2024 Rainy Season Vibes Phuket, Thailand

Hey everyone, come join me for a night walk through Patong in May! It's the start of the rainy season here, so things will be a bit more relaxed compared to the peak season. We'll be starting our walk on Thaweewong Road, which runs along Patong Beach. This street is lined with shops and restaurants, and it eventually connects to Bangla Road, Phuket's famous nightlife area. Just a heads up, it might be a little quiet around 7 pm since the crowds usually come out later, around 9 pm. But that's okay! Even with fewer people around, it'll still be a fun way to see Patong in May. So come along and enjoy the ride! #thailand #phuket #patong #patongbeach #banglaroad #walkingstreet
