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Sanchi: The Sacred City of Stupas and Monasteries

Sanchi was a thriving Buddhist center during the reign of Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE. He built the Great Stupa, which was later enlarged and embellished with decorative gateways or toranas during the Shunga and Satavahana periods. These gateways depict scenes from the life of the Buddha and Jataka tales. The Great Stupa of Sanchi is the most prominent structure on the site, with a diameter of 36 meters and a height of 16.4 meters. It is surrounded by a railing, which is adorned with medallions depicting various scenes from the life of the Buddha. The four gateways, facing the four cardinal directions, are intricately carved with figures of elephants, lions, and humans. The craftsmanship and attention to detail are remarkable, and it is a testament to the skills of the ancient Indian artisans. Apart from the Great Stupa, there are other smaller stupas, monasteries, and temples on the site. The Ashoka Pillar, which stands tall at 11.5 meters, is also a significant attraction. The pillar has inscriptions in Brahmi script, which describes the construction of the Great Stupa. Sanchi is not just a significant archaeological site but is also a pilgrimage center for Buddhists worldwide. The site is considered holy as it is believed to house the relics of the Buddha and his disciples. The Great Stupa, in particular, is regarded as one of the most important Buddhist stupas in the world. 🧍 Please subscribe if you're new to the channel! 🔔 Hit the bell next to Subscribe so you're up to date with our latest videos! ❤️ Like and Comment. Stay safe everyone! #ancient #history #ancienthistory #sanchi #india #ancientcivilizations #indian #indianarmy #indianews #indianvlogger
