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Check out the Rare Plants that just arrived! 🌱

Check out the delivery of gorgeous rare plants that just came in at our nursery! In this video, Kameron & I are back in the jungle greenhouse, and we'll show you all the cool new rare houseplants that just arrived, like Thai Constellation Monstera, Anthuriums, Philodendron ‘Paraiso verde’, Philodendron ‘Jose Bueno’, and more. We’ll pot up these rare plants, and they will be available for sale soon in our jungle greenhouse. (We aren't shipping just yet, but will be later this year -- we'll keep you updated!) These plants will go quickly, so if you live nearby our nursery, Grass Roots Yard Supply in Graniteville, SC, please stop in and check 'em out. And if not, be sure to subscribe to our channel to continue learning all about plants and gardening with us here on Grass Roots Gardening. Thanks y’all!!🪴 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook -   / grassrootsyardsupply   Instagram -   / grassrootsyardsupply   #rareplant #rarehouseplants #thaiconstellation
