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Rivah III - Classic TBC Frost Mage Arena | Endless 2.4.3

► Contents : Classic TBC Frost Mage - High rated arenas on Endless 2.4.3 60 FPS 1080p | Rec : End of Season 2, Season 3, #1 and #2 tournament ► Server : Endless : (TBC 2.4.3) ► Editing : Azial ----------------------------------------------- ► Twitch :   / rivahlol   ► Azial's twitch:   / azialtv   ----------------------------------------------- ► DISCLAIMER First of all, thank you to Azial (twitch channel in the link above) for making this video for me. I recorded all of the clips on Endless TBC, both from their main realm and also from their tournament realm. I've been playing on this server from the very beginning, whilst waiting for Classic TBC to be released. Special thanks to everyone involved with for their role in keeping the TBC community alive. Thanks to my partners Speank, Avishan, Xeriyo, Steffen, Pheq, Daylie, Xayz, Meezt, Sbk, Pheq, Oddwaffle, Rekkles it's always a pleasure to play with you guys. ----------------------------------------------- ► Tracklist : 1. All That I Know - Ytho 2. LENS FLARE - Kim, BlazinG 3. Enough - Normandie 4. Nightline - Juche 5. Awakening - Normandie 6. Halo - Boston Manor #tbc #arena #pvp #mage
