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Скачать с ютуб PT12: PIC18FxxQ20 chip Family - Using the PIC18FxxQ24 with I2C and a GLCD в хорошем качестве

PT12: PIC18FxxQ20 chip Family - Using the PIC18FxxQ24 with I2C and a GLCD 10 дней назад

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PT12: PIC18FxxQ20 chip Family - Using the PIC18FxxQ24 with I2C and a GLCD

This video shows how to use the GLCD library It shows: How to Use I2C discovery to ensure setup is correct How to create Text, Lines, Circles, Boxes etc How to import BMP files to update the GLCD using a converter How an the Sprites drawing program works How the simple Voltmeter works using the GLCD primitives and Trig. I2C and GLCD made easy Enjoy
