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Decluttering EVERYTHING We Have For Moving To The South Of Russia | MINIMALISM

We have only a little bit more than a week left to get all of our stuff together and move to the sunny South of Russia - to Krasnodar that we've been living in for 5 previous years. In this video I'm going to go through everything we have and figure out what I should keep and what I should try to sell or donate before moving. I call myself a minimalist because I don't like to have a lot of things and keep items that I don't use anyhow so I can say that we don't have that many things anyway. But still, I find it important to declutter properly before moving to save money, time, and space in the new place✨ Thank you for watching!💛 💌 You can support me on Patreon:   / victoriaterekhina   ☕️ You also can buy me a cup of coffee at ▫️ Videos about minimalism: • Why I am a minimalist:    • Why I Am a Minimalist | My Story Of M...   • Beauty things I don’t do:    • 7 Things I DON'T Do as a Female Minim...   • My wardrobe:    • Extreme Minimalist Wardrobe for a Col...   ▫️ My Instagram: This video is not sponsored.
