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The Small Booktuber Tag 😊📚 3 года назад

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The Small Booktuber Tag 😊📚

Hello friends, happy Tuesday, welcome to another video and please excuse my flying-everywhere-reaching-out hair! 😋😊 Today, I am doing a Small Booktuber Book tag which a great tag that allows you to get to know smaller booktubers little better, discover what kind of books or genres they like to read, when they started their channels or even their most favourite video (from their own production😊) and much more. This tag was originally created by Dai Kitty Reads -    • Small Booktuber Tag | Youtube Partner...   and I was very kindly tagged by Alice from Alice and the Giant Bookshelf -    • The Small Booktuber Tag | Tag Tuesday   I highly recommend checking these both channels out and I hope you´ll enjoy today´s video. Thank you for watching and feel free to leave a little comment I am always happy to talk to you there and if you consider subscribing please do so, it would be lovely to have you here. 🥰 Some of my oother videos I mentioned in this one: Jane Austen July -    • JANE AUSTEN JULY // Books, Films, Qui...   Memoirs of a Geisha, book vs film -    • MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA // Book vs. Film ...   My very first video (reading journal set up) -    • Reading Journal Set Up   Small Booktuber Tag Prompts: 1 - Introduce yourself! 2 - How long have you been on Booktube? 3 - What types of videos do you make? 4 - What do you love about booktube? 5 - What types of books do you read? 6 - What's is your favourite video that you've made? 7 - TAG at least 4 small booktube channels or EVERY small channel you can think of! I tag: Micah Chamber -    / @nonsaintvalentine   Gem of Books -    / gemofbooks   Bookish Gems -    / @the_creepy_geek   Bibbidi Bobbidi Books -    / @bibbidibobbidibooks   Jesse the sleeping Koala -    / @jessiethesleepykoala   Inking your thinking -    / aekorfker   The danish Readaholic -    / @thedanishreaderholic   The personal cosy project -    / @elliescozychronicles   The Sassy library fox -    / thesassylibraryfox   📷 Come and say hello on Instagram where I post little updates in between regular videos :)   / teacup_the_storyteller   ✅ If you like my videos, please subscribe so you won´t miss an upload. I am posting new video every Saturday :)    / @teacupthestoryteller   Music: Moments by Shane Ivers - #TagTuesday #booktag
