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Скачать с ютуб Taxco - My Favorite Pueblo Magico in Mexico: hike to el Cristo statue and silver market в хорошем качестве

Taxco - My Favorite Pueblo Magico in Mexico: hike to el Cristo statue and silver market 3 года назад

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Taxco - My Favorite Pueblo Magico in Mexico: hike to el Cristo statue and silver market

Taxco is probably my favorite Pueblo Magico I've been to!! The city is so picturesque and the people are super nice! I could spent days just walking around all the little streets! It's known as the Silver Capital of Mexico. There's a silver market every Saturday and Sunday, as well as many silver stores throughout the city. There are many amazing buildings and viewpoints hidden throughout the city, too. It's also very easy to take a bus here from Mexico City! While I prefer to stay overnight, I met many people who came to Taxco just for a day trip. 1:01 Zocalo and Church/Cathedral/Temple of Santa Prisca (there are many names...) 7:50 Parroquia de Chavarriera - my favorite viewpoint! 9:04 El Cristo de Taxco - The Christ Statue 12:46 The Taxco silver market --------------------------------------- 📧 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected] SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: 🥰Memberships: (make sure to hit the 🔔 notification bell 🔔 ) 🥰Buy Us a Coffee: 🥰Direct Donation: FOLLOW OUR SOCIALS: 📸 Instagram:   / nataliespassport   ⭐ Facebook:   / nataliespassport   ✨ TikTok:   / nataliespassport   👩‍💻 Blog: AFFILIATES: 🛒 My Favorite Travel Products: 🦠 Genki Travel Insurance: 🎶 Music (30 days free): ---------------------------------------
