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Nuetech Tubliss Gen 2.0 Kit Review at 7 лет назад

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Nuetech Tubliss Gen 2.0 Kit Review at

Nuetech Tubliss Gen 2.0 Kit Review The Nuetech Tubliss Gen 2.0 Kit allows for 100 PSI of rim protection and increased tire stability by creating two different pressure zones inside the tire itself. As a replacement to traditional inner tubes, the Nuetech Tubliss Gen 2.0 Kit brings the off-road riding game into a new era with a combination of technological advancements, and an ardent focus on bettering the dirt-tire experience. Additional features of the Nuetech Tubliss 2.0 Kit include the ability to run a lower overall tire pressure (and thus getting much better traction), reducing overall tire weight, and improved tire longevity.
