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Shirking Responsibilities - Episode 1 3 недели назад

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Shirking Responsibilities - Episode 1

Shirking Responsibilities - Episode 1 'The Taunting of Justin' Although there had been numerous invites, JUSTIN still refused to shirk his responsibilities and join two of Australia's self appointed, greatest bushmen on a midweek camp. Rumours had been circulating that JUSTIN had a phobia of campfires and an aversion to good camp tucker and was often seen at camp, huddled over a gas fire, preparing soul destroying instant noodles. Through the amazing technology of the internet, we are now able to cyb*rb*lly JUSTIN and attempt to lure him away from the dark side and into the light and warmth og the campfire's glow. We went to a lot of effort just to have a dig at our ‘friend’ that did the responsible thing and went to work instead of coming camping. This is the price he must pay. We camped, cooked lamb on a spit, and enjoyed nature. Not bad for a Tuesday/Wednesday. I hope you enjoy it more than Justin does (and I hope he enjoys it a lot). Matt’s Instagrams: @mattweddis (   / mattweddis   ) & @mostly_other_stuff (   / mostly_other_stuff   ) Timmo’s Instagrams: @solidinstruments (   / solidinstruments   ) & @robotgod_band (   / robotgod_band   ) Justin’s Socials: instagram - @mudgutz_adventures (   / mudgutz_adventures   ) & Youtube - ‘MUDGUTZ ADVENTURES’ (    / @mudgutzadventures436   ) #campfire #camping #campfood #campcooking #lamb #djiair3s #activetrack #drone #travel #roadtrip #camptucker
