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Скачать с ютуб Multiply yeast➕/ درست کردن خمیر مایه در خانه в хорошем качестве

Multiply yeast➕/ درست کردن خمیر مایه در خانه 4 года назад

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Multiply yeast➕/ درست کردن خمیر مایه در خانه

ingredients 21g fresh yeast 15g sugar 100g water 100g flour (wheat flour type 405) Mix the yeast with the sugar, water and flour. Now let the pre-dough rise covered in a warm place (28 ° C) for about 20 minutes until the volume has tripled. 28 ° C is the optimal temperature for the yeast to multiply. Then stir the yeast mixture and pour it into small ice cube trays (approx. 15 grams each). Freeze the container covered. If you want, you can now store the yeast in the ice cube container or in an airtight form in the freezer for about 5-6 months.
