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Скачать с ютуб Usher - ‘Good Kisser’ / Chloë Bailey BET Awards performance | dance visual в хорошем качестве

Usher - ‘Good Kisser’ / Chloë Bailey BET Awards performance | dance visual 11 дней назад

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Usher - ‘Good Kisser’ / Chloë Bailey BET Awards performance | dance visual

“them pretty lips leave me so inspired…” I felt inspired by this performance of Chloe for Usher’s song and the choreography is so good I just had to do it. Not even talking about her vocals… insane!! I really hope by this I can get back to filming more regularly 😅 DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the music or choreography. cameraman: Štefan Ošvát dancer: me CONNECT WITH ME my IG: @catherine_osvat cameraman’s IG: @osvatstefan #usher #goodkisser #chloebailey #betawards2024
