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Smithsonian National Postal Museum in D.C. 3 года назад

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Smithsonian National Postal Museum in D.C.

Early fall 2021 I decided to check out the Postal Museum in D.C. Hmmm, this shouldn’t have been fun, but it was. For one thing it’s a beautiful building. The architecture is spot on. I don’t think this place gets many visitors on account of the unappealing subject matter. In this case it makes for an exiting and more intimate experience for anyone who loves museums. I almost had the entire place to myself. And personally I think stamps are cool. I’m not a collector, but if I was this would be the best place in the entire world to see the best and most well preserved collections of stamps. The grandeur and depth of this museum makes its simple subject matter, how do I send a letter to Ethan calling him a buffoon for never agreeing with me on anything, across the country.
