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WHAT IS NASDAQ? Straight to the Point

In around two minutes you will know what is NASDAQ. You will get both professional definition and easy explanation. No intro, no outro, straight to the point. ► My 191 Companies Watchlist: ► Get $10 for Opening an Investment Account with Wealthsimple (Canada, USA, UK): ► Book FREE 15 Minutes Call "The Power of Investments": ► Download my FREE eBook about Investments: ► Follow Me On Instagram:   / miamiinvestclub   NASDAQ is a stock exchange located in New York City. It is the second largest stock exchange in the world, based on its combined market capitalization of listed companies. The only stock exchange which is bigger is NYSE. Feel free to watch my previous video where I talk about NYSE. NASDAQ is just a stock exchange in its nature. Meaning that this is the place where investors exchange their shares with the help of their brokers. And companies go public and issue their shares on the market to raise some capital. NASDAQ is one of the pioneers of electronic trading. And since then, other stock exchanges followed it by getting rid of trading floors and computerizing their activities. At this moment, NASDAQ is a fully digital stock exchange. NASDAQ mainly focuses on technology and biotechnology related companies. And because of this, it suffered major downfall during dot com crisis. But it has recovered faster than S&P500 index after 2020 crisis. You can invest in NASDAQ Composite Index if you want to have exposure to every company listed on NASDAQ. There are more than 4000 companies currently listed on NASDAQ. The biggest and the most famous ones are Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and Intel. NASDAQ's trading hours are from 9:30am EST to 4pm EST. If you find my content interesting, please consider subscribing to my channel. It helps a lot as a beginner creator. And let me know if there is anything you would like to know about personal finances and investing.
