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Kent Hovind Lies About Walt Brown 3 года назад

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Kent Hovind Lies About Walt Brown

In the debate between Mr. Kent Hovind and Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale about Noah's Flood, Dan put forward the argument that the fountains of the deep bursting, and the rain would cause an extremely high amount of heat, as many as 1000+ hydrogen bombs. This data was published by Walt Brown, who is a young earth creationist. Kent Hovind has sold Brown's book, named his ministry something extremely similar to his, and has promoted him for decades. And yet, when Dan presented this, Kent tried to distance himself from Walt Brown. He said that he didn't care what Walt Brown thinks, and that he had never met him. I show video evidence that this is a complete lie. Creation Myths:    / @creationmyths   Original debate video:    • Creation Debate: The Ark (with Kent H...  
