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Скачать с ютуб (Rust) Overkill compact hemp farm в хорошем качестве

(Rust) Overkill compact hemp farm 3 месяца назад

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(Rust) Overkill compact hemp farm

It's pretty much the same as this video:    • This new update BROKE Tea Farming in ...  . I didn't know how the heaters affected planters across half walls, so I built it, put some uptempo and recorded it for my children. In this setup, every planter box gets water, heat and enough light. In all honesty, it's super overkill, but pretty cool that you can cram all of these planters in such a small space. There are 60 planter boxes in total, with 1 sprinkler for every 5 planter boxes. There are like 4 water pumps that are not needed, with salt water in total you would need 8 pumps instead of the 12 I have in the video.
