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Скачать с ютуб UOB Art Explorer - Art At Home Session 5 (Still Life Pencil Drawing) в хорошем качестве

UOB Art Explorer - Art At Home Session 5 (Still Life Pencil Drawing) 4 года назад

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UOB Art Explorer - Art At Home Session 5 (Still Life Pencil Drawing)

Want to try a sketch of everyday objects ? Join us in our 5th “Art At Home” tutorial to learn still life pencil drawing technique, led by Leo Liu Xuan Qi, artist, art educator and Platinum Award winner of the 2012 UOB Painting of the Year (Singapore), Open Category. You may also follow our detailed step-by-step guide here: “Art At Home” is part of our new #UOBArtExplorer, an online visual arts programme that helps you to learn and to explore the world of art through a comprehensive series of art tutorials, art therapy sessions, art storytelling and virtual exhibitions. Stay tuned as we bring you the joy of “Art At Home” every fortnight. #UOBandArt #UnitedForYou
