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Set or Change TIME and DATE on a Casio F91W

Set or Change TIME and DATE on a Casio F91W Learn how to set or change the time and date on your Casio F91W watch with this easy-to-follow tutorial. If you're having trouble setting the time or date on your F-91W, this video is for you. I'll take you through the simple steps to set the time and date on your watch, ensuring you're always on schedule. Whether you need to change the time for daylight saving or set the correct time and date after buying your Casio F91W, this video has got you covered. With these clear instructions, you'll be able to set up your Casio F91W in no time. So, if you're looking for a quick and simple Casio F91W tutorial on how to set the time and ate, you're in the right place. This tutorial will work for quite many Casio digital watches, such as the A168WA and other digital classics! Check out these Amazon Affiliate links to find some great deals on Casio watches! Anything you buy via these links will help the channel out via commisions :) United States: (Casio A158) (Casio F91W) United Kingdom: (Casio A158) (Casio F91W) Germany: (Casio A158) (Casio F91W) Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. I do use affiliate links when linking products in the video description. Nordic Watch Channel is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. Check me out on Instagram: If you're looking to upgrade to a Casio G-Shock, here's my review of my favorite one, the DW5600BB:    • Casio DW5600BB Review! Best G SHOCK f...   Here's my tutorial on how to adjust a classic vintage Casio bracelet:    • How to Adjust / Resize Casio Bracelet...   A tutorial on how to put your Casio F91W on a nato strap:    • How To Put Your Casio F91W / A158W On...   #casio #f91w #casiof91w
