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Here's Your Sign to AVOID Drugs at All Costs 2 недели назад

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Here's Your Sign to AVOID Drugs at All Costs

► Use CODEBLUECAM55 to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird This month I received... Strength in Santal by Scents of Wood x Scentbird No. 1 Cologne by DIME No Limit$ by Philipp Plein Rebel Thorn by Confessions Of A Rebel On April 1, 2024, police responded to a gas station theft in Marshfield, WI and identified the suspect through surveillance. Shortly after, the same man caused a disturbance at a hotel and was arrested after an altercation. His erratic behavior during their interaction led officers to suspect he was under the influence of a controlled substance, making for a difficult night filled with mushrooms and bots. ► Code Blue Cam Merch Our featured content aims to depict law enforcement interactions, emphasizing education over public shaming or ridicule. In a world filled with misleading conversations about law enforcement, it's crucial to present these interactions within their contexts to inform and educate the public. 💥Want to see more content? Join Patreon for many exciting features such as early access/ad-free content, exclusive content, behind-the-scenes, giveaways, and much more! 👉   / codebluecam   ► Facebook -   / codebluecam   ► Twitter -   / codebluecam   ► Shorts -    / @codeblueshorts   ► Instagram -   / code_blue_cam   For general questions or anonymous tips, contact: [email protected] For business inquiries: [email protected] Narrated by Brian Buckley
