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Sai Baba Theme Park - Sai Teerth Walkthrough

Let me take you inside India's first Devotional Theme Park - Sai Teerth, dedicated to Sai Baba. This theme park is located in Shirdi where we will go on a magical journey to 10 ancient temples of India, also visit Dwarakamai where we will witness Sai Baba's Miracale in the most beautiful way, this theme park also has a giant screen where we see Sai Baba's life movie and a 5D theatre where we will go along Lord Hanuman for Lanka Dahan. This place is an immersive experience like never before and one of a kind of a devotional theme park in India which is a MUST VISIT. L O C A T I O N • Sai Teerth Devotional Theme Park - B O O K I N G • Online Ticket Booking - • Offline Tickets could also be booked directly outside the park • Shirdi-Shani Shingnapur Travel Vlog -    • Shirdi-Shani Shingnapur Travel Vlog w...   #saibaba #saiteerth #saibabatemple #themepark S U B S C R I B E F O R M O R E New videos every Weekend!!    / @grishmaudayawar   C O N N E C T • Instagram -   / grishmauday.  . • Facebook -   / pauseandexplore   C O N T A C T For collabs, questions, querries - [email protected] G E A R • Vlog Camera Sony ZV-1 - • Camera Mic - • Recording Mic - T H A N K Y O U Thank you so much for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it!
