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Скачать с ютуб 石垣島川平灣|松鼠猴|公設市場|最大超市價廉物美午餐超值巴士共遊團一天玩個夠Best Value Bus Tour of Ishigaki in One Day в хорошем качестве

石垣島川平灣|松鼠猴|公設市場|最大超市價廉物美午餐超值巴士共遊團一天玩個夠Best Value Bus Tour of Ishigaki in One Day 10 месяцев назад

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石垣島川平灣|松鼠猴|公設市場|最大超市價廉物美午餐超值巴士共遊團一天玩個夠Best Value Bus Tour of Ishigaki in One Day

石垣及宫古聽說很缺司機, 行前訂不到25人小型巴士, 只好參加本地巴士共遊團, 一天的行程該看的景點都看到了, 加上有導遊一路講解帶領, 真的很省事! We were told that there’s a problem finding qualified drivers on the islands of Ishigaki and Miyakojima! 我們40年的婚姻蒙主保守, 從一無所有到樣樣都有, 全是主的恩典. 在裡與您分享我們退休後的黃金歲月日常.我們一切所需要的主都賜與, 而且超乎我們的所想所求, 旅遊是我們的共同興趣, 無論是露營房車, 自由行或旅行團, 都是所愛, 也是主所賜的恩典. 希望您也能嚐嚐主恩的滋味, 成為有福的人. 歡迎留言, 按讚, 分享, 及訂閱, 交個朋友! The Lord is Good! He has blessed my husband and I with 40 years of beautiful marriage. We have gone from having nothing to a bountiful retirement that we are enjoying now. No, we may not be rich as defined by others, but everything we need is provided and more than we can imagine. Praise His Name! We are our joy with you, so that you may also taste and see that the Lord IS good. Please subscribe, like, and share. “你們要嚐嚐主恩的滋味, 便知道祂是美善, 投靠祂的人有福了”—詩篇34:8 歡迎參閱我們的旅遊部落格: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”— Psalm 34:8 Background Music: YouTube Music – “A Night Alone” – TrackTribe Intro and Out: YouTube Music – “Hopeful Freedom” – Asher Fulero 歡迎觀看我們其他旅遊視頻 Welcome to our channel with more travel videos: Da   / @tasteofretirement   Visit our travel blog here: 我們多年來的旅遊blog:
