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Скачать с ютуб The BEST Shotgun Microphone in 2024? в хорошем качестве

The BEST Shotgun Microphone in 2024? 4 месяца назад

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The BEST Shotgun Microphone in 2024?

"Best" is a bold claim, but do I stand by it? Well, yes... at least I think I do? After testing a cheap $80 microphone and thinking it had what it took... this option was by far better. The real question is: what do you think? The BEST Studio Mic - (affiliate) You can follow me here:   /   or contact me at [email protected] for all other inquiries. Chapters 00:00 Intro 01:42 What's Included 03:15 Usability & Features 05:49 Indoor Sound Test (Features Cont.) 11:55 Room for Improvement 14:07 Outdoor Sound Test 15:47 Final Thoughts 17:01 Bonus Clip - DOGGO!
