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Скачать с ютуб Copart: Cheapest Jaguar F Type R Was A Steal For $17,800 Like Samcrac's Ferrari From Salvage Auction в хорошем качестве

Copart: Cheapest Jaguar F Type R Was A Steal For $17,800 Like Samcrac's Ferrari From Salvage Auction 5 лет назад

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Copart: Cheapest Jaguar F Type R Was A Steal For $17,800 Like Samcrac's Ferrari From Salvage Auction

Since samcrac has been rebuilding neglected cheap wrecked cars from copart salvage auto auction, he's gotten a ferrari now and that has inspired me to look for the best deals on copart auto auction. I found a Jaguar F Type R that I wanted to buy from this auto auction and rebuild it, and here is a video of me inspecting the salvaged car before bidding on it and rebuilding it.
