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No-Grass Yard Ideas 1 год назад

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No-Grass Yard Ideas

Looking for grass alternatives for your yard? From moss and other groundcovers, to native plants and vegetables, consider these great no-mow lawn ideas! #NoGrassBackyard #EcoFriendly #CheapBackyardIdeasNoGrass #Xeriscaping #GrassAlternatives Timestamps: 00:00 - Ideas for Landscaping Your No-Grass Yard 00:11 - Implement Artificial Turf 00:21 - Grow Moss 00:31 - Plant a Native Flower Bed 00:41 - Try Out Xeriscaping 00:50 - Construct a Sturdy Deck Comment & like the video if you found this helpful or check out the Extra Space Storage blog for other awesome content! FACEBOOK:   / extraspace   INSTAGRAM:   / extraspace   PINTEREST:   / extraspace   TWITTER:   / extraspace   YOUTUBE:    / extraspacestorage  
