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Weekend in AUSTIN, TEXAS // Antiquing + Eating in Austin

Come along to Austin, Texas with me! We stayed in a GORGEOUS house on Lake Travis, went antiquing, ate and drank (probably a bit too much), and watched the prettiest sunset on Lake Travis. We even saw Sandra Bullock's house (from afar). Some of the Austin locations we visited in the vlog ☀️ The Oasis on Lake Travis (aka the best spot to watch a sunset) - Uncommon Objects (my FAV antique shop in Austin) - South Congress Cafe (GREAT for brunch!) - My Socials Tik Tok - @jackietodd_ Instagram - @jackietodd_ Email (Collabs ONLY) - [email protected] Send me something from your part of the 🌎👇 (I might open it live!) P.O. Box 162 Katy, TX 77492 My music is from
