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Indian Motorcycle Sales down for second year in a row

#Indian #harleydavidson #sales Indian motorcycle sales are down for the second year in a row. There is a double digit percentage drop. Let's take a look at the numbers of register Indian bikes and what Polaris needs to do change things. Thanks for watching and RIDE SAFE MY FRIENDS! Don't forget to join the NATION! IT'S FREE!!!!! Just hit the subscribe button Safe travels and catch you on the highways. to another country and Remember life's too short so let's go ride. Would you like to support our channel just buy us a cup of coffee Gear and equipment I use: small multi tool for harleys Airhawk - R-REVB Cruiser R Large Motorcycle Seat Cushion for Comfortable Travel - Large Size LEDGlow 12pc Advanced Million Color LED Motorcycle Accent Underlow Light Kit - 15 Solid Colors - 6 Patterns - Multi-Color Flexible Strips - Includes Waterproof Control Box & 2 Wireless Remotes STEELMAN PRO 78936 7-Piece Diamond Tipped Low Profile Torx Screwdriver Set HS Sturdy Plastic Zip Ties 8 Inch x 3/16" (Bulk-500 Count) UV Black Cable Ties 50 Pounds Heavy Duty Self-Locking Strap Ties,Outdoor Indoor Purpose Video Equipment Rode Wireless GO II 2-Person Compact Wireless Mic System/Recorder Bundle with 2X Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone
