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My Vintage Barbie Dolls Collection 1960s 4 года назад

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My Vintage Barbie Dolls Collection 1960s

My vintage Barbie dolls collection is shown in this video from the 1960s. I have eleven dolls featured in this collection (dated 1960s). I will continue to add links as I complete the individual videos. Corrections: my Ken doll was made in 1964, not 1962. Also, the doll referred to as "American Barbie" should be "American Girl Barbie". The doll identified as Casey is PJ (she was mislabelled when I bought her). Fashion Queen Barbie came only w/ a blue head-band; Midge had an issue similar to Fashion Queen Barbie & she wore the orange band. This is a list of the dolls which are featured, by dates from the oldest to the newest: (1) Ponytail Barbie #5 (1961):    • Vintage Ponytail Barbie Doll #5 1961   (2) Bubblecut Barbie (1962):    • Vintage Bubblecut Barbie Doll 1962   (3) Fashion Queen Barbie (1964):    • Vintage Fashion Queen Barbie Doll 1964   (4) Midge (1964):    • Vintage Barbie Doll -  Midge 1964   (5) Ken Doll (1964):    • Vintage Barbie - Ken Doll 1964   (6) Swirl Barbie (1964):    • Vintage Swirl Ponytail Barbie 1964   (7) Miss Barbie (1964):    • Vintage Barbie Doll - "Miss Barbie" 1964   (8) American Girl Barbie (1965):    • Vintage Barbie Doll - American Girl B...   (9) Casey is mis-identified. She is PJ. PJ (1970): upon further research, I found that the 1969 PJ is a talking doll. My PJ does not talk and places her to 1970. I'm going to put her w/ my 1970s Barbie collection post which is coming soon. (10) Stacey (1968). I identified this Stacey as manufactured in 1969, but further research showed her as 1968. :    • Vintage Barbie Doll - Stacey 1968   (11) Julia (1969):    • Vintage Barbie Doll - Julia 1969  
